Tag Archives: halloween

Halloween 2008

ross, anthony and chris in elaborate halloween costumes

It’s me birthday today.  Oh, yes, it’s also Halloween.  We had a little evening party planned, for which I procured a bunch of snacks from Trader Joe’s and decorated the house with candles, flameless and otherwise.  Things went south at about 4:00 p.m., when I heard from Paul.  His condo had flooded courtesy of some faulty plumbing in the vicinity of the kitchen sink, which sent Matthew and our wet vac with Paul to Antioch for a night of cleaning with Paul’s partner and fiancé, Gino.  Paul and Gino are scheduled to be married tomorrow, you see, which made this particular day a really, really bad one for a flood.  This also meant that guests associated with Matthew would not be coming this evening, so we were left with only the three of us and a lot of ripe Cambozola (rich hybrid, more or less, of Camembert and Gorgonzola) and Blue Castello (triple cream blue).  As luck would have it, three of Matt’s friends, Anthony, Chris and Ross — dressed to the teeth for the holiday — came by and saved us from complete lameness.  Matthew rolled in all wet after midnight and slunk upstairs to bed.

I turned 46 today and it’s Halloween

Ice cream cake with pink writing

Today is birthday number 46 for me.  Oh, God.  I remember being in fourth grade and daydreaming about the future, thinking that in the year 2001 I would be 40 and that that was so old that life would pretty much be over.  I think I made some notes about this while in geography class working on textbook questions for the chapter, “Sandra and the Golden Wheat.”  The truth is that I’ve never been happier.  I’ve had a pretty good run thus far, if you overlook a few disasters and several minor catastrophes.  I would not want to be 18 again.  When I was 18 I should have been enjoying it but instead obsessed about assorted nonsense.  Let that be a lesson to all those out there who are young:  you may think things about you suck, but they don’t.  You’re golden.  They will suck, however, when you’re 46, so wait until then – though with some luck you’ll realize that excessive vanity is a gift that keeps on taking and get over it all.