Category Archives: Dogs

A dog in a car

Berry the akita-chow mix in a car looking miserable

Berry is unhappy in the car, as you can see here.  He should be happy, though, because he knows that I always get him a McDonald’s double cheeseburger without condiments when we have to go to the vet or something else unpleasant.  Just about any other time I pile him into the car we go to the park or to the bay so he can go around with his nose in overdrive.  Given that he knows he is either getting a burger or going to the park, I don’t get this drama with car trips.  I also cannot get him into his canine seat belt because he acts like a jerk when I try.  This limits me to slow, local routes with someone in the back seat holding him when I have to stop at a light.

Berry the akita-chow mix really wanting to get out of our car

Berry’s chair

Berry the akita in his futon chair when he was young

Above you have Berry in Chairy in our old house in Albany in 2002 and below you have him in Chairy in the new house in El Cerrito in 2007.  Matthew once fell out of Chairy in 1989.  Chairy has lived with us in Astoria (37th Street and 32nd Street), Manhattan (East 90th Street and West 105th Street), San Francisco, Albany, CA (Brighton Avenue and Talbot Avenue) and now El Cerrito.  Berry loves Chairy and is not interested in any other piece of furniture in the house.  He does not like it when someone else sits in Chairy, or, God forbid, if we open Chairy up to serve as a guest bed.

Berry in his futon chair in 2007

A little post about the dog

Berry the akita in the bunglow

Find the dog in this photo.  It’s Berry snoozing on the futon in the bungalow in our back yard.  He doesn’t normally go in there since he is not a fan of small spaces.  He’ll only stay in there if the door is wide open.  We use the bungalow for art projects and as a space for anyone in our 903 square foot house who needs some time alone.  When Jon stays over the guys sleep in there, since the digs are outfitted with a PlayStation, VCR, DVD and CD players and karaoke setup.  If you wanted to do something that involved actual paper, you’d find drawing and writing supplies and books to read.  This is my overflow space for cookbooks, as well.  The main house is not insulated, but this room is, so it stays nice and toasty when heated up.  If you want to know how to set something like this up, just email me.