Whole Acme smoked whitefish at Costco for the holiday

Just a quick note about my having seen and purchased whole smoked whitefish at the Richmond, California, Costco the other day.  My guess is that they are carrying this for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.   Recall that this Costco carried Acme Smoked Fish Corporation’s whole smoked whitefish and smoked whitefish salad for a couple of years, and then both products disappeared all of a sudden a few months ago, to my disappointment.  I wrote them a couple of cards about this, begging them to bring back the whitefish salad, at least, and to provide samples to shoppers because most people around here have no idea what this is and how good it tastes.

I was happy to see the whole whitefish, since I can make whitefish salad from it, but I am asking the people who monitor blogs on behalf of Costco (come on – you know you do this – there are numerous indicators) to ask the Richmond branch to bring back both products for the months of December and January.  Please.  I beg you.  Have a heart for this ex-New Yorker.

Now we can ring in 5770 in style!

6 thoughts on “Whole Acme smoked whitefish at Costco for the holiday

  1. Arnulfo macias balleza

    The smoked whitfish salad, is a product of first necesary for my nutrition, but not exist satisfactory amount in COSTCO. I will know where buy it. Thank you.

  2. Della

    Where can you get whole smoked whitefish and/or chubs in central Alabama. Can it be shipped?

    Thank you for any information!

    1. Renate Valencia Post author

      Hi, Della, and please forgive the delay, which is due to illness. I would call all the Costcos, BJs and Sam’s Clubs within 100 miles of you and see if they carry the whole smoked whitefish, because online with shipping = PRICEY! Here are a couple of sources: https://www.solexcatsmo.com/smoked-whitefish-whole and https://russanddaughters.goldbely.com/18777-whitefish-whole?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI87uB–mX2gIVQ1p-Ch2vYg4vEAAYASAAEgJ2X_D_BwE Whole Foods sometimes has it (very expensive, though). The chubs you would most likely need to order from an appetizing store that sells on-line. Zabar’s in NYC has smoked whitefish, and they may also have the chubs. I’d call them. Here’s the site: https://www.zabars.com/ Best of luck!!!

  3. T. Peiser

    As a member of a very active Jewish Community in NASHVILLE, TN I do not understand why the Costco turns a deaf ear on any request to add KOSHER PRODUCTS. They have and get constant request to please add more Kosher products that they have in so many other cities The smoked whitefish would be great, and Jewish people are not the only people that are aware of this. While there are stores in Nashville that carry Kosher food Costco has the ways and means of adding product varieties not carry in Nashville which would only be a plus plus for the local store.. I do not know what the problem is with Costco in Nashville whether it is the local management or the Corporate level but it would be a lucrative addition to the store to add more Kosher foods.

    1. Renate Valencia Post author

      I know what you mean.

      My local Costco has been carrying the whitefish salad for the past 4 months. Why? No idea, but we are taking advantage of it.

      That store tends to carry certain Kosher foods near to Passover like clockwork. It is a very predictable selection, though
      I do appreciate it. Gefilte fish, matza, like that. The basics.

      For Kosher meat there is only Trader Joe’s here. I don’t think I have EVER seen a Kosher chicken, even, at Costco, and the franks
      that used to be Kosher–the ones they sell at the snack bar and in bulk–became Kosher-STYLE some years ago!

      Have you spoken with the General Manager at your Costco? The cards do not generally help.



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